May 2010 Newsletter

Designer bodies 101! The secret of how to get the body you have always wanted!

You might want to read this article very carefully because I’m giving you free my biggest secret in how I design programs to mold client’s physiques. Now I’m not going to fill your heads with scientific mumbo jumbo, just simple common sense thinking that will make you all say “Aahhhhh of course”! When a client comes to me and tells me how they want to look I try and compare their vision to a certain type of athlete or body type. See the reason I do this is that as human beings our bodies are designed to adapt to the stress they are put under, therefore I must simulate the stress of the chosen body type when writing training programs. Are you following me yet?

Think of this….. You want skinny yet toned legs? Then train like a distance runner, long slow running sessions daily never giving your legs time to recover and grow, over time your body will adapt leaving you with strong yet slim and toned legs. Want the big powerful explosive physique of a sprinter? You guessed it…. Train like a sprinter! All workouts would be short in duration and extremely high in intensity, your gym work would consist of heavy yet explosive movements designed to recruit fast twitch muscle fibre. Over time your body will once again adapt to the stress and your physique would resemble that of an explosive power athlete (a sprinter).

By using this basic common sense training principle we are able to mold hybrid type physiques e.g. half explosive strength athlete (sprinter), half endurance athlete (distance runner). The best example of this is a boxer as a boxer has the best of both worlds. They have the endurance of a distance runner and the power and explosiveness of a sprinter, throw in the benefits boxing training has on reflexes/reaction speed and agility then you have the ultimate Jack of all trades when it comes to working out! And let’s be honest there’s not a guy or girl out there that wouldn’t like to have the lean toned legs, arms, shoulders and back of a boxer in addition to the small waist from the thousands of rotational twists you would be doing during a session as you punch.

So now you all know the secret… it is out! You can have the look you want. All you need to do is to be patient, train hard and enjoy the results that you will get over time as your body adapts!

Good luck!

My success story- by Jeremy Lansdown

My story starts with a phone call I received at the end of March. Glen Hutchinson rang me, “hey Jez how are ya?” he inquired “Yeah good Hutchy, how you doing?” I responded “yeah good mate, listen I’m organizing a boxing match for charity and I’m gunna fight” he told me, “Cool how much do you want?”  I asked “I don’t want your money, I wanna fight you!” he said with menacing tone. “S@#T I better have a think about it and get back to you” I stuttered, end of phone call. So …. I accepted the fight… eventually!

Now I knew I had no form or fitness what so ever and the fight was on May 1st, 5 WEEKS AWAY! Time to get my very round bum into gear and start a diet and get exercising. So knowing I was in desperate need of help…. And fast! I rang my old mate Dargs (Steve Dargan). “Dargs” I said,” mate I’ve bitten off more than I can chew and I need some help”. I explained to him what I had agreed to do, and he said “MATE! You better get your overly round behind over to my place tomorrow”. So the torture began, I was 138kg’s of pie eating, choccy milk drinking laziness when I weighed in for the first time with Steve. Over the next five weeks I pushed myself as hard as I could(Steve would probably say I could’ve gone harder), watched what I ate, and so did my personal trainer(Steve) and my personal dietitian(my partner Connie). I was amazed at how my body (and mind) was coping after years of not exercising. Every session I was able to go a little bit longer, punch a little bit harder, do more sit ups (though I still struggle to do those bloody pushups!). I’m not saying that I’m super fit or that I’m anywhere near my goal weight, but it’s hard to believe just how fit I got in just 5 weeks. With Steve’s help and Connie’s ever prying eye, I am looking forward to seeing just how far I can progress in the future.

My next goal is to get to 100kg, Steve made the big call of saying he could get me there in twenty weeks, so stay tuned and I’ll let you know how we go.

P.S The fight was a big success with local business’ chipping in $10,000 towards the charity, and me getting a unanimous points decision.

Steve’s notes: Not only did Jez win his fight, but he looked impressive in doing so! His skill level was a lot more advanced than that of a first time fighter! His fitness held up well, and he followed the game plan to perfection!

Even more amazing than his performance on fight night is the fact that during fight preparation and to date, Jez has lost 10kg of body weight, 2% of body fat and has gained 1kg of lean muscle!

Congratulations Jez! You’re the perfect example of how discipline, hard work and a good frame of mind can help you achieve whatever you set out to achieve! 

Steve and Shelley Dargan

Pound 4 Pound Personal Training

“You will HATE me, but you will LOVE the results”