June 2010 Newsletter

No excuses

NEWSFLASH… you don’t need to own any expensive gym equipment or pay expensive gym fees to have a good workout! Below I am going to give you completely free 3 different workouts that you can do anywhere or take anywhere with you giving you no excuse to not be getting into the best shape of your life right now!

Here is the list of exercises to be done and the best order to do them in to get the most out of the workouts.

1) Burpees

2) Pushups (hands out wide)

3) Ab bicycles

4) Squats

5) Pushups (hands close, elbows stay in next to the body)

6) Ab crunch (legs up and crossed)

7) Mountain climbers

8) Dive bomber pushups

9) Leg raises

10) Lunges

Workout 1: The first workout is to be done as a circuit moving from one exercise to the next (exercises should be done in the order listed above for best results) with as little rest as possible between each exercise. Each exercise should be done for 10-20 repetitions (30- 50 repetitions for the ab exercises) depending on your fitness level (make sure you always challenge yourself). The circuit should be done 2-3 times through!

Workout 2: Once again the exercises above will be done as a circuit but this time instead of counting repetitions you will be doing each exercise for a nominated length of time i.e. 30 seconds, 1 minute or even 2 minutes per exercise once again depending on your fitness level!

Like the workout before once you have completed an exercise you will move to the next one with as little rest as possible and you should do the circuit 2-3 times through!

Workout 3: This workout requires you to do intervals of 20 seconds work followed by 10 seconds of rest (tabata intervals). You will do eight of these intervals per exercise (equaling 4 minutes per exercise). Each time you finish an exercise rest for 1 minute before moving onto the next exercise. Unlike the workouts above you will only have to do the workout 1 time through!

So there you have it NO MORE EXCUSES! 3 workouts that you can do anywhere, anytime! I challenge you to have a go at them all and let me know which one is the most challenging. I look forward to the feedback.

Good luck!!

Steve and Shelley Dargan

Pound 4 Pound Personal Training

“You will HATE me, but you will LOVE the results”