Shelley’s Blog – The Wife of A Personal Trainer

Ok so the 1st of July arrived and here we are ready to take on Wodonga and the world!!!
I thought……YAY!!! Steve can work normal hours like me and we will eat together and train together and do normal stuff………HA, I was kidding!!! 🙂

Now days our days start very early in the morning, I think the number has a 5 in it (at the start) and I have to go running with our dog Bella as I have no chance of getting into the gym to work out in the afternoon. So instead of going for a leisurely walk in the morning with both my dogs, Tori & Bella – I have to push Bella out of bed and race around Wodonga and then get to work on time. In the afternoon, when I get home from work  the conversation is  – “Steve, can I do group boxing tonight?”, Steve ” No, I’m full, Me “Oh, ok, when can I get in next?”, Steve “Nah dunno, pretty busy”, So he goes out to train the group boxing class while I sit down to have a feed as I am starving – next minute the kitchen door flies open……..”SHELL, I need you to train”!!!!! My response is…….”whatever”!!! 🙂

And finally at about 9pm we sit down and have dinner together and are literally tucked up in bed by 9:20pm! 🙂

Oh how life has changed!