March 2010 Newsletter

Hi There,


               Welcome to edition 4 of the Pound 4 Pound Personal Training Newsletter. We have a couple of great little articles in this edition of the Newsletter which I hope some of you will find motivational and at least a good read!

The gym is buzzing at the moment with lots of new starters. I love seeing people so enthused about their health and fitness.  Once again just a reminder to get in early and book your training sessions as the sessions fill up fast.


How hard are you playing the game?


Over the years firstly as an athlete and now as a trainer/coach I have been lucky enough to see some great people achieve some amazing results! Whether there goal be better health and fitness, weight loss or improvement in their chosen sport.

Unfortunately I have also seen some people not quite achieve their desired goal even when it has been within their grasp.

The important thing that I want to emphasize is that both the successful and non successful people had one thing in common……… what they put in they got back!

That’s right! The ones that played the game harder got the best results! And I’m not just talking about performance in the gym, on the field or in the ring. I’m talking about the “Whole game”, the dieting, the preparation before a match, the recovery, the 

“Whole game”.

Think how many people we know that train their butts off in the gym only to go home and undo all their hard work by making poor meal choices, or vice versa, the people that watch their calorie and carbohydrate intake but won’t even walk two blocks to the corner shop!

There comes a time in everyone’s fitness/health/weight loss/sports specific training programs where if the individual wants to be successful they have to stop and be honest with themselves and ask “what percentage am I playing at”? “Which areas can I improve”?


So how hard are you playing the game?



My success story- by Anna Weatherlake



Upon my return from a year abroad, I lacked any form of fitness or muscular definition, and in turn my confidence plummeted. Training with Steve Dargan got both my physical and mental approach to exercise back on track and led me to achieve the results I desired. Steve taught me how to go about diversifying my fitness activities in order to improve my overall fitness. 


After training with Steve for a mere 7 weeks, I greatly improved my strength and stamina, lost 10 kilos and my body appeared far leaner than it ever had before. I lost countless centimeters off my waist, huge numbers off my thighs and clothing that I’d worn upon my return to Australia no longer fitted me. He helped me break through a long-standing plateau and return my body back to its original condition.


Under Steve’s guidance, I also completely altered my diet to one focused solely on nutrition and eating what’s best for my body and one that I could realistically integrate into my everyday life. In doing this, I managed to completely transform my body shape, my energy levels increased tremendously and I started reaping the overall benefits of being lean and healthy again.


Returning to training with Steve really helped me find a balance between exercise and nutrition. Now, thanks to the lean muscle I carry and continually maintain, I’m on top of and in control of my exercise and nutrition and have returned to leading a much more enjoyable lifestyle. 

Anna Weatherlake

 Steve’s notes: In only 7 weeks Anna achieved amazing results. She lost 15cm off her waist (at the widest point), 11.5cm off her waist (at the narrowest point), 15cm off her hips, 12.5cm off her thighs, 5cm off her calves, 2cm off her upper arms. In addition to these amazing results her BMI dropped from the overweight range right down to the low end of the healthy range and her body fat % dropped to the below average range to only 16% body fat! WOW!

After our 7weeks together Anna moved to Melbourne where she continued her fat loss mission on her own. Since leaving me Anna has lost an additional 5kg, bringing her overall weight loss to 15kg! 

Congratulations Anna!

            Steve and Shelley Dargan

Pound 4 Pound Personal Training

“You will HATE me, but you will LOVE the results