February 2011 Newsletter

The most effective training tool- the training diary!

The training diary is one of the best tools you can use when undertaking a training program, no matter what your goal or fitness level the importance of using a training diary should not be underestimated.

Now before I go into the importance of the diary I must point out that you do not need to buy an expensive purpose made training diary. My training diary is a normal everyday diary that I brought from a stationary shop for $3. The training diaries I keep for all my clients are simply just a template made on the computer that I print copies of and write in the relevant information.

Bottom line is…. It’s not the diary that you use that’s important…. It’s the info that you put in it that counts!

The training diary has two main purposes:

Firstly it is used for accountability! Once you have set health and fitness goals you can use your diary for continued motivation and accountability. You may set a minimum amount of hours that you are going to exercise per week or a minimum amount of sessions per week or even a minimum amount of calories you are going to burn per week, then at the end of the week look back at what you have done and say honestly “did I do enough to achieve my goal?”. You can use your diary to challenge yourself e.g. it may say that last week you ran 5km in 20mins so this week you have to beat that time etc. And by living by the motto of always looking for improvement you will find that every week your diary entries will have you doing more work, lifting heavier, running faster and just overall improvement across the board.

The second benefit of keeping a training diary is reflection! Having something to look back on makes the health and fitness roller coaster a so much easier ride. It happens far too often that I hear “I’m just not as fit as I used to be” or “I don’t have the energy I used to” or “I’ve put on weight and don’t know why”. My answer is always the same…. “What training where you doing when you were at your fittest?”How often were you training”?

Basically WHAT ARE YOU DOING DIFFERENT! This is where the minute or two it takes a day to write a diary entry comes back to repay you BIG TIME!

Some of the things you should include in a training diary entry are:

Detailed exercise you have just done (include sets, reps and weights, distance etc).

Training duration – This is an excellent way to monitor work capacity (how much training you can do in a set time period).

Bodyweight/body-fat% – even if your goal is not weight loss, noting body weight/fat can be used to monitor overall health and fitness as well as signs of overtraining.

Comments section – this is where you write all your additional info, all your thoughts on how your session went, if you feel you are getting closer to your goal, how your energy levels were, how much sleep you had the night before. Overall anything else you think is relevant that you can look back on when required.

In addition to the training diary you can also keep a food diary! This is just as important as a training diary and is used for the same reasons, ACCOUNTABILITY and REFLECTION!

So if you’re already using a training diary well done and keep up the good work!

If you don’t have a training diary START NOW it is well worth the effort!

A sample training diary entry:

Sat 5th Feb 2011

Training duration: 30mins    Bodyweight: 75.5kg

Circuit x 3 – using medicine ball and suspension training system (STS).

Dynamic stretch x 3mins (warm up)

1) Wide grip chin ups x 25 (Bodyweight)

2) Med ball chops x 20 (13kg)

3) Ply Pushups (over the ball) x 20 (5kg weighted vest)

4) Med ball pull over crunch with hold x 30 (13kg)

5) Med ball slams x 20 (13kg)

6) STS pushups with legs elevated on Swiss ball x 12 (5kg weighted vest)

7) STS inverted rows with legs elevated on Swiss ball x 12 (5kg weighted vest)

8) Med ball clean and press x 20 (13kg)

9) Med ball “round the worlds” x 20 (13kg)

1-2mins active rest then repeat

Comments: Great session, short and sharp!

Felt fit and strong today with lots of energy. Been weighing a few kg’s lighter the last few days but it hasn’t affected my stamina at all, if anything improved stamina!

Next time I do this workout I need to increase the weight (replace med ball with weight plate).


Tell us about yourself?Hi there, my name is Andrea,

I’m a 33 year old single mother of two young children, one of which is a special needs child.

I like to be active, but it can be hard sometimes trying to find the time, well so I thought until I started training with Steve.

What motivated you to start training at Pound 4 Pound PT? My motivation was to lose weight and get fit so I feel better within myself, to be a better role model for my children, and to have the energy to do more with them.

How long have you been training at Pound 4 Pound PT? I have been training for about 6 months, and love every minute of it (I’d go 7 days a week if I could!), although sometimes I can’t move afterwards! But that’s when I know I have had a great session and pushed myself!

What results have you achieved since you started training at Pound 4 Pound PT? I have lost 20 Kilos and still counting! When I started training with Steve I was wearing a size 24!! Now I’m in a size 18-16!! Which for me is a great confidence builder, I’m starting to really feel good about myself again!! Also my muscle tone has really improved; my flab is gradually turning into muscle!! Plus my energy and fitness levels have improved greatly! I’m hoping that soon enough I will be fit enough to have a go at sparring!!!

Why do you think you have been so successful with achieving your results? Always asking Steve a load of questions about diet and exercise!! When I first started training with Steve, I was only eating one meal a day and the kids ate more than what I did and I couldn’t understand why I was getting bigger. Steve put me on the right track to eating properly straight away!! Now I have my diet under control (well most of the time anyway, he he), I’m exercising regularly and I am seeing the results!

What has been your favorite exercise that has helped you achieve your results? I love the group boxing sessions! But I also do personal training, I have a lot of favorites, but I think I would have to say I love doing the weights! But anything that makes me sore is great too, because then I know I have had a great session! My least favorite would have to be the skipping rope, because I am absolutely hopeless at it!

What do you like most about Pound 4 Pound PT? I’m not just a number!! Steve takes the time out to explain things properly to me when I ask a question and shows me the correct way to do things, Sessions are done to each individual’s needs, Great prices, Friendly atmosphere and the list goes on!

How do you feel, after achieving such good results? I feel GREAT!! Although I still have a long way to go, I feel so much fitter and better about myself now! And it is so nice to be able to go shopping and see clothes that I like and they will fit me now!

What would you say to someone that may help them achieve similar results? It can be done!!!

Don’t be afraid of a little hard work to make yourself better!

Don’t be afraid to ask questions, because if you don’t ask questions how are you going to find out answers?

It won’t happen overnight, but once you start, you’re on your way to a better you!

It can be hard sometimes, and you’ll be sore, but one thing is for certain, once you start and keep going with it, you will feel and see the results!!

What are your fitness goals for the future? To get to my goal weight (I’m halfway there!!).

To be able to go jogging with our Golden Retriever, Marley.

To start Sparring, and who knows what else, the sky is the limit!!!

To get back into Horse riding.

Any additional comments that you want to add: I’m just so grateful to Steve and Shelley for their great advice and encouragement!

The last six months has been a great positive move for me, and I feel like I am actually living my life again!!

Steve’s commentsAndrea has shown that by being disciplined, staying focused, showing determination and by consistently sticking to an exercise plan that great results will happen! Not only has Andrea lost 20kg but she can match it with anyone in the gym when it comes to strength and overall fitness, and her “never say die” attitude will ensure that she will never give up on the rest of her weight loss journey!

Congratulations Andrea on the great results you have achieved and good luck achieving the rest of your weight loss goals. You truly are an inspiration to us all!!


Pound 4 Pound Bottled Water

In the next couple of weeks we will receive our 1st delivery of Pound 4 Pound bottled water. Water is very important to our bodies when training and it is always good practice to sip water at the end of each training session to assist with re-hydration so to make life a little easier we will have 600ml bottled water available for just $2.00 per bottle. Just see Steve or Shell in the gym to purchase our NEW bottled water.


Pound 4 Pound Personal Training is now making the gym more accessible to clients and making it easier to achieve results by introducing “Open Gym”, Commences Saturday 26th February 2011.

“Open Gym” will be a scheduled date and time where clients can book a spot to come into the gym and train. Sessions are $10.00 per person/ per hour with a maximum of 3 clients per scheduled hour.  A “Workout of the Day” will be listed on the gym blackboard for you to follow. You can motivate yourself and work as hard as possible or use the gym to burn those unwanted calories that were consumed only hours earlier. While this option is train and motivate yourself, there will always be a Gym Supervisor on hand to ensure your safety during your training sessions.

Call Steve on 0428 330 952 today if you are interested or would like more information.


Shell has decided to take over the gym (as usual) and introduce her own class. NU Body is a 30 minute power session which is short & sharp! We launched the class on Friday 11th February 2011 with a full class of 6 and I am sure fun was had by all. We have scheduled 6 sessions over the next 6 weeks. If the class continues in popularity we will schedule more classes.  See schedule below:

  • Friday 18th February at 6pm
  • Tuesday 22nd February at 7pm
  • Tuesday 1st March at 7pm
  • Wednesday 9th March at 7pm
  • Friday 18th March at 7pm
  • Wednesday 23rd March at 6pm

Nu Body classes are for a maximum of 6 clients so ensure you book early so you don’t miss out.

Please note Shell’s Nu Body classes are scheduled around Shell’s full time work hours so dates and time will change regularly. All sessions will be updated on our website on the NEW Nu-Body page.

See you in the Gym!

Steve and Shelley Dargan

Pound 4 Pound Personal Training

“You will HATE me, but you will LOVE the results”